Unsubscribed Capacity

TSP Name:


Posting Date/Time:

Measurement Basis Description:

Location Name Location ID Location
Purpose Description
Loc/QTI Unsubscribed
Gas Day
End Effective
Gas Day

  • The capacity listed above is an estimate of capacity available for the time period referenced above. These capacities may be updated throughout the day. However, due to the dynamic nature of the pipeline operations, these capacities are subject to change without notice. Accordingly, there are no guarantees expressed or implied that these capacities will be available for service. This capacity report includes receipt, delivery and flow-through points on Great Lakes Gas Transmission Limited Partnership system with estimated available capacity. All quantities are expressed in Dth. Please contact your marketing representative in order to acquire a specific package of capacity on the pipeline. All requests for service are subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Great Lakes Gas Transmission Limited Partnership Tariff.
  • At various times, Great Lakes Gas Transmission Limited Partnership may have capacity available for interruptible Park and/or Loan services at various points on its system and the operational flexibility to provide this service without detriment to firm customers or other interruptible services. Please contact your Marketing Account Manager for potential Park and Loan inquiries.