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Update: Effective GD 6/30, TIM, due to continuing unforeseen construction delays to planned pipeline maintenance the Flow Past Kingsgate (LOC# 3500) location available capacity will be raised to 2,400-MMcf/d for 6/30 - 7/9.
Since the last posting GTN has raised the available capacity to 2,400-MMcf/d (from 2,052-MMcf/d) for 6/30 - 7/9.
Based on current nominations, it is anticipated that this posting may result in the capacity allocation reduction of IT, Firm Secondary and possibly a portion of Firm Primary volumes. Since GTN anticipates that this restriction may impact its ability to deliver all nominated Firm Primary services, GTN will apply the Reservation Charge Credit Non-force Majeure Event of Section as necessary.
This posting will be updated as more information becomes available. While in effect, this posting will supersede PSO Notice ID # 772.
If you have any scheduling or nominations questions, please call a GTN Nominations Representative at 888.750.6275.
Please contact System Operations with any questions regarding operations or facilities.
Michael Gosselin 832.320.5167
Paul Oliver 503.703.9862