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Update: Effective GD 6/28, EVE, due to high ambient temperatures and pipeline conditions and planned pipeline maintenance GTN will continue to restrict capacity at the Flow Past Kingsgate (LOC# 3500) location but is raising the available capacity to:
2,400-MMcf/d, effective GD 6/28, EVE and for GD 6/28 Only
2,052-MMcf/d for GD 6/29 -7/9
Since the last posting GTN has raised the available capacity to 2,400-MMcf/d (from 1,865-MMcf/d) effective GD 6/28, EVE, and has listed planned pipeline maintenance and its associated available capacity of 2,052-MMcf/d for 6-29 - 7/9.
Based on current nominations, it is anticipated that this posting will result in the capacity allocation reduction of IT, Firm Secondary and possibly a portion of Firm Primary volumes. Since GTN anticipates that this restriction may impact its ability to deliver all nominated Firm Primary services, GTN will apply the Reservation Charge Credit Non-force Majeure Event of Section as necessary.
This posting will be updated as more information becomes available. For additional planned outage information, please see the updated GTN Planned Service Outage posting.
If you have any scheduling or nominations questions, please call a GTN Nominations Representative at 888.750.6275.
Please contact System Operations with any questions regarding operations or facilities.
Michael Gosselin 832.320.5167
Paul Oliver 503.703.9862