Notice Details
TSP Name
Notice ID
Notice Eff Date:
Posting Date/Time:
Notice End Date:
Notice Eff Time:
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Notice End Time:
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Required Response:
Prior Notice ID:
Response Date/Time:
Message Text
This is to notify all contracted parties of Gas Transmission Northwest (GTN) that due to emergent and unexpected compressor station repairs at its Eastport Compressor Station 3 and pursuant to Section 6.10 of GTN’s FERC Gas Tariff, GTN is continuing its declared Force Majeure event effective 6/15, ID1, for all natural gas transactions at its Flow Past Kingsgate (LOC #3500) location. GTN anticipates that this restriction will result in the inability to deliver a portion of the Firm delivery volumes scheduled through the Flow Past Kingsgate (LOC #3500) location. The Reservation Charge Crediting Mechanism of Section shall apply to this outage.
GTN will reduce capacity as follows:
Flow Past Kingsgate (LOC #3500)
No incremental increases 6/15, ID1
2,100-MMcf/d for 6/16 - 6/18
Since the last posting, GTN has changed the end date to 6/18 (from 6/22).
This notice will be updated as more information becomes available.
Please contact your GTN Nominations Representative with any questions regarding nominations or scheduling at (888) 750-6275.
Please contact the following with any questions regarding operations or facilities.
Michael Gosselin 832-320-5167 Operations Planning
Paul Oliver 503-703-9862 Gas Control